Social Issue Research Topic

What is your social issue?

My social issue is about zoos

Why is it such a social issue?  What do people disagree about in relation to this topic?

It’s a social issue because there’s people arguing that we should do with the animals; they disagree that animals should remain on zoos

What is your proposed solution?  Why do you think this is the best solution?

My proposed solution is that we should improve the enclosures that the animals live on. I think it’s the best solution because animals need to feel that they’re in a place they can call home, and not a prison.

What are pros to your solution?

The pros to my solution are:

  1. Improves animal happiness
  2. May help visitors change view on zoos

What are cons to your solution?

  1. People may not like the change
  2. Some zoos may not want to follow
  3. Might be too expensive
  4. People are still going to argue over a good change

Any questions to your audience members for help on your topic? (Need to post at least 2 questions)

1.What is your stance in this situation?(I support you/I don’t support you/ I don’t care about this/I’ll choose a side once one convinces me?

2.Do you like zoos? Why or why not?

One thought on “Social Issue Research Topic”

  1. I liked how you explained your social issue simply and easy to understand. I also agree with your solution and with your pros/cons.

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